Ddlc Happy Ending Mod


MEHEM, the Mass Effect Happy Ending Mod just got updated to v0.5. The biggest change is that the mod now uses the DLC method, meaning it is self contained in it's own DLC, rather than changing game files that already existed. This increases compatibility with other mods and general user convenience. Doki Doki Literature Club Mods Make The Game Less Depressing. Phathom said that he got his start by playing DDLC mod, taking apart the code for it, and deciding he wanted to make a mod of his. RainClouds is a fan game/mod based on Dan Salvato’s original Doki Doki Literature Club. Warning: This game contains disturbing elements that may not be recommended to experience if you are suffering from depression or suicidal thoughts.

  1. Doki Doki Our Time
  2. Doki Doki Save Everyone Mod
  3. Ddlc Happy Ending Mod
Ddlc Happy Ending Mod
Posted by1 year ago

So basically i've been working on stuff for a mod for a bit now and am just dumping my ideas / what i'm planning . I'm not a good writer at all so this is wip story stuff and subject to change. looking for ideas for writting, potential choices and that sort of stuff mainly to get the story fleshed out before putting it down proper

Hxppy ending mod 1.0 Mod -

    • Removes all meta stuff from the game, mod assumes these are normal people in real life rather than what happened in game

    • 2 new rows and 1 new column add to the poem selection mini game allowing for a wider selection of words right off the bat [to ensure you always have a word for the character your 'perusing'] Basically doubles to the size of the book for the poem mini-game

    • Protagonist 'route'

    • Protagonist Chibi and words added to the poem selection mini-game [Independence, Independent, Isolated, Me, Myself, I, Alone, ect]

    • Monika route

    • Monika Chibi and words added to the poem selection mini-game [Afraid, Avoided, Hated, Popular, Self-Loathing, Nervous, Jealous, Observer, Responsible, Mature, ect]

    • Custom edited sprites for Natsuki's older twin sisters - currently got no names - [Finished]

    • Custom edited sprites for Natsuki's dad - currently named 'Mattsuki' - [in progress]

    • Custom edited sprites for Yuri's younger sister - currently named 'Yuki' - [Finished]

    • Custom edited sprites for Yuri's mam - currently names 'Yumi' - [in progress]

    • Custom Yuri Sprites [short hair] complete

    • Custom Natsuki Sprites [dark hair] complete

    • Protagonist Route

    • Protagonist True Ending - You choose words just for the protag, he stays friends with all the girls but has no romantic partners. Route ends with all four girls showing up for the festival, you all read out your poems. Protagonist Bad Ending 1 - When Sayori asks you if you want to join the literature club early on you say no, ending the game.

    • Sayori Route

    • Sayori Happy Ending 1 - You visit her on the morning of the festival when she doesn't meet up with you, you spend the day out with her instead

    • Sayori Happy Ending 2a - You rush to her house on the day of the festival after realising she hasn't shown up to school, turns out she just slept in. You confess to her there again

    • Sayori Happy Ending 2b - slightly modified version of ending 2 with a slightly different outcome

    • Sayori Bad Ending 1 - You confess to her but romance another girl, she kills herself. At the beginning you can run from her, this will give you the choice to later wait for her again or run again which will make her unhappy if you run [pls no bulli]

    • Yuri Route

    • Yuri True Ending - Involves finding out about her self harm early, being contacted by / contacting her younger sister who asks you to help with an intervention. You and the other girls meet get together with some of Yuris family and try to help her through her problem [that was the original idea] Now i think it would make more sense [thanks to help] to have Natsuki confront you about Yuri's cutting, putting together an intervention and that.

    • Yuri Bad Ending 1 - You pick her for the romance option but when it comes time to confess tell her you love someone else, she kills herself to 'prove her love'. She won't kill herself if you don't pick her words

    • Yuri Bad Ending 2 - You try to show her how bad cutting is by cutting yourself, cutting too deep / too far you kill yourself

    • she'll cut her hair short if you pick her for a poem but then pick natsuki or sayori for two other poems

    • Natsuki Route

    • Natsuki's True Ending - involves finding out about her abuse early, finding her older [twin] sisters at a local university and has those stopping the abuse, becoming her care takers. [that was the original idea] The current idea involves someone [Monika] telling the protagonist about her family problems and trying to give her the courage to call the authorities, staying at club members homes in the meanwhile.

    • Natsuki Happy Ending 1 - Involves you taking her to your house before the festival. avoiding violence all together. The future is a bit up in the air in this one leaving the ending open ended a bit

    • Natsuki Happy Ending 2 - Involves you going to her house [with the other girls] and basically beating the shit out of her dad

    • Natsuki Bad Ending 1 - You go to her house alone to try and find her, her dad kills you when you force the issue

    • Natsuki Bad Ending 2 - You choose her route but for whatever reason don't decide to check up on her when she doesn't show up for the festival, she dies. She won't die in this case if you don't pick her route

    • She'll dye her hair dark if you make a poem for her but two others for Yuri

    • Monika Route

    • Monika True Ending - You find out that despite being popular her looks / intelligence has pretty much made it so others are scared to get close to her, find out she had a crush on the protagonist from the last year. Ditch the festival to go somewhere else.

    • Monika Happy Ending 1 - You get to the festival to find monika there alone, you's end up spending the rest of the day together [other girls are fine~]

    • Monika Bad Ending 1 - You Romance her but don't confess - she leaves the literature club

    • Monika Bad Ending 2 - You confess to her but romance another girl - she kills you


Ddlc Happy Ending Mod

new word stuff just for safe keeping


  • 26 words Obsession Dominance Star Radiant Beauty Grace Leader
    President Ignored Isolated Hated Popular Afraid Avoided Hated Popular Self-Loathing Nervous Jealous Observer Responsible Mature Betrayed Queen Distant Down to Earth

Protagonist / Main Character 18 words - Oblivious Unaware Idiotic Tortured Centre of Attention Beloved Disinterested Independence Independent Determined Toy Play thing Pawn King Game Helpless Lost Unprepared

and for references here are the other girls words, you need a fair amount to compete


  • 67 words Adventure, Amazing, Bed, Bliss, Broken, Calm, Charm, Cheer, Childhood, Clumsy, Comfort, Cry, Dance, Dark, Daydream, Death, Defeat, Depression, Embrace, Empty, Excitement, Family, Feather, Fireflies, Fireworks, Flower, Forgive, Friends, Happiness, Heart, Holiday, Hope, Joy, Laugh, Lazy, Loud,Love, Lucky, Marriage, Memories, Misery, Misfortune, Ocean, Passion, Peaceful, Pain, Play, Prayer, Precious, Promise, Rainbow, Romance, Rose, Sadness, Scars, Shame, Sing, Smile, Special, Sunny, Sunset, Sweet, Together, Tragedy, Treasure, Vacation, Wonderful

words for her i plan on adding for my own mod Sayori


  • 54 words Afterimage, Agnozing, Ambient, Analysis, Atone, Aura, Breath, Cage, Captive, Contamination, Covet, Crimson, Destiny, Determination, Disarray, Disoriented, Despise, Disown, Effulgent, Entropy, Eternity, Extreme, Fester, Graveyard, Heavensent, Horror, Imagination, Incapable, Incongruent, Inferno, Insight, Judgement, Lust, Meager, Melancholy, Fickle, Frightening, Philosophy, Pleasure, Portrait, Raindrops, Sensation, Starscape, Suicide, Tenacious, Time, Unending, Uncontrollable, Uncanny, Unrestrained, Unstable, Vertigo, Vibrant, Wrath

Doki Doki Our Time

Ddlc mod happy ending download

words for her i plan on adding for my own mod Yuri


  • 50 words Anger, Boop, Bouncy, Bubbles, Bunny, Candy, Cheeks, Chocolate, Clouds, Cute, Doki doki, Games, Giggle, Email, Fantasy, Fluffy, Hair, Hop, Headphones, Heartbeat, Jump, Jumpy, Lipstick, Kawaii, Kiss, Marshmallow, Melody, Milk, Mouse, Nibble, Nightgown, Papa, Parfait, Playground, Poof, Pout, Puppy, Swimsuit, Shopping, Skipping, Socks, Spinning, Sticky, Strawberry, Sugar, Summer, Twirl, Waterfall, Valentine, Vanilla

Doki Doki Save Everyone Mod

words for her i plan on adding for my own mod Natsuki

Ddlc Happy Ending Mod