Man Hours In Primavera


In Primavera P6, after finish creating the schedule, you may need to assign resource to activity to make the resource plan. I will show you how to do it. Let say you have a schedule like in below picture: To assign resource, first you need to create one. Go to menu Enterprise - Resource. Though not a widely recommended practice, there are times when one might want to de-progress or remove actuals from a Primavera P6 schedule. Some reasons for wanting to return a schedule after weeks or months of progress updates to its state at Project Start are.

How To Calculate Man-hours In Primavera

Estimate the time needed to complete each component.

How To Calculate Man-hours In Primavera

Man Hours In Primavera Once you have determined your components and the types of labor each requires, estimate the total number of man-hours it would take your workers to complete a step from start to finish. Do not include breaks. This number should be the hours of dedicated labor it will take to finish a step.

Man Hour Loading In Primavera

  • If you are familiar with the type of work required in a step, you can draw from past projects to get time estimates. For example, if you know it took one worker ten hours to install four new windows, or 2.5 hours per window, your current project will likely be similar.
  • If a step in your project includes a type of labor you're not familiar with, you should do some research in preparing your estimate. Depending on the project, you may be able to get valuable information online or from another contractor. You can also hire a consultant familiar with the type of labor you need. This person can help you estimate the hours required in a certain step.
  • Factor in things like job difficulty when making your estimate. If the windows on your upcoming project are on the seventh story of a building, and your old project's windows were on the first story, increase your hours-per-window rate to reflect this difference.
  • Include estimates for time spent on administrative tasks that may be required by the contract.